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Jump Rope for Heart


This year we are excited to be a part of the Jump Rope For Heart initiative. Here is the link for our fundraising page. Our school goal is to raise $1,000 and the top 3 fundraisers (students) will get the opportunity to "pie" Mrs. Oakes, Mr. Pon and Mr. Cahoon in the face during our March assembly. To register your child or family, just click the "register" button in the link below and fill out the questions. This will make your own page so friends and family can donate to your child. After that click "Donate" and start your fundraising goal!! We look forward to our Jump day on March 27th!


What: Students/Families raise money for Heart and Stroke Research

Goal: $1000 total from our school family

When: March 25 Assembly - Pie in the Face if Goal is Achieved

When: March 27 Fit Kids - Students Participating in the Jumping Rope portion

Why: To build citizenship skills through goal setting and philanthropy.

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